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Vasectomy in Spain

Hospitals and medical centers in Spain performing Vasectomy.

Cost of Vasectomy in Spain

Procedure Minimum price Maximum price


$US 2,800

$US 4,500

Hospitals and clinics offering Vasectomy in Spain

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Fundacio Puigvert

Fundació Puigvert state-of-the-art high technology equipment, including robotic surgery and minimally invasive approach, together with some of the world’s leading specialists and over 60 years of experience, allow the clinic to have served over 600.000 patients

7 listed urologists:

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Prof. Juan Palou Redorta, Prof, MD, PhD

Chairman of the Urology Department

Prof. Eduard Ruiz Castañé

Director of the Andrology Department


Procedure Prices


upon request

Vithas Xanit International Hospital

Urology is the medical-surgical speciality covering study, diagnosis and treatment of pathologies that affect the urinary system, suprarenal glands and retroperitoneal glands of both sexes and the male reproductive system, with no age limit.

Listed urologist:

Dr. Juan Arocena Garcia

Head of The Urology Unit


Procedure Prices


upon request

Hospital Quirónsalud Malaga

With more than 36 medical specialties, 200 physicians and surgeons of the highest level, Quironsalud Hospital Malaga is one of the most pertinent hospitals in Spain.


Procedure Prices


upon request

Sanitas Hospitales

Sanitas Hospitales is among the foremost programs for delivering sophisticated, patient-centered care across the entire spectrum of adult and adolescent urological conditions.

Listed urologists:

Dr. Ignacio Moncada Iribarren

Head of Urology, Sanitas La Zarzuela Hospital

Dr. Arturo Platas

Urology Specialist


Procedure Prices


upon request

No-Scalpel Vasectomy

upon request

Open-Ended Vasectomy

upon request

Vas-Clip Vasectomy

upon request

Corposalud Clinic

A modern multispecialty healthcare clinic, located in Valencia, Spain that along with its ISO certified partner Hospitals − some of the most recognized private Hospitals in Spain − integrate clinical and hospital care.

Listed urologist:

Dr. Felipe Ordono Dominguez

Head of Genitourinary unit


Procedure Prices


upon request

Quirónsalud Madrid University Hospital

An ISO certified modern private hospital, which was opened in 2006, and is part of the Quironsalud Hospital Group. This tertiary care hospital has certified medical specialties capable of treating the most complicated medical cases.

Listed urologist:

Dr. José Manuel Rodríguez Luna

Head of Division of Urology


Procedure Prices


upon request

Hospital Quirónsalud Marbella

This international hospital incorporates prestigious doctors, invests in research and development, technology and continuing education that enhances skills, in facilities, and in an increased operational efficiency in order to provide nothing but the best


Procedure Prices


upon request

Nisa Pardo de Aravaca Hospital

A modern (opened in 2007), general, private hospital located in Madrid, part of the NISA group of hospitals. The international patients department can assist patients with accomodation and trasportation, and can communicate in English as well as in Spanish.


Procedure Prices


upon request

Hospital Ruber Internacional

The urology department deals with both male and female urinary and genital problems which might require medical or surgical treatment.


Procedure Prices


upon request


upon request


upon request


upon request

Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja

Quironsalud Hospital Torrevieja is an ISO-certified private hospital located in the north of Torrevieja, championing excellence in cancer treatment and management. IMTJ Best International Hospital of the world (awards 2017)


Procedure Prices


upon request

Urology centers in Spain (Page 1 of 2)

About Vasectomy

This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician.

What is Vasectomy?
Vasectomy is a surgical procedure to cut, clamp or seal the vas deferens. The vas deferens is the tube through which sperm passes from the scrotum to the urethra. The urethra is the tube through which sperm and urine pass out of the penis.
Vasectomy causes sperm to be blocked inside the testes, and therefore sperm is not released during ejaculation. It is a permanent birth control method.
However, sperm decrease may be gradual after a vasectomy. Couples may be required to continue using birth control measures to avoid pregnancy until the semen sample detects no sperms.

How is Vasectomy Performed?
Vasectomy may be performed in three ways:

  • No-Scalpel Vasectomy, also called Key-Hole Vasectomy
    • The surgeon locates the vas deferens by sensing the scrotum.
    • A numbing medication is given to the patient.
    • The surgeon makes a tiny hole in the scrotum using a sharp hemostat instead of a scalpel.
    • The surgeon may pull the vas deferens through the small hole to tie it or cut it.
    • Stitches are not required, and the incision heals quickly.
  • Open-Ended Vasectomy
    • The patient’s scrotum is shaved and cleaned.
    • A numbing medication is given into the area.
    • A small surgical cut is made in the upper part of the scrotum.
    • The vas deferens is tied and cut.
    • The testicular end of the vas deferens is not sealed. This allows sperm to stream continuously into the scrotum.
    • The incision is closed using stitches or skin glue.
    • Open-ended vasectomy may prevent pressure in the epididymis and testicular pain caused by back pressure.
  • Vas-Clip Vasectomy
    • The patient’s scrotum is shaved and cleaned.
    • A numbing medication is given into the area.
    • A small surgical cut is made in the upper part of the scrotum.
    • The vas deferens is squeezed shut with a clip to stop the flow of sperm.
    • The incision is closed using stitches or skin glue.

How to Prepare for Vasectomy?
  • Certain medication that the patient is taking may be stopped two weeks before the surgery.
  • The doctor should be informed about any medication that the patient is taking with or without a prescription. These may include supplements or herbs or drugs.
  • The doctor should be informed if the patient has any ailments or medical conditions.
  • On the day of the surgery, the patient should wear loose and comfortable clothing.
  • A scrotal support may be required after the surgery.

Duration of procedure/surgery : 20 to 30 minutes

Days admitted : Vasectomy is usually done as an outpatient procedure.

Anesthesia : Local anesthesia

Recovery : - Patients can go home on the same day after the procedure. - Patients can resume work in two to three days. - Patients can resume normal physical activities in three to seven days. - Scrotum swelling and bruising remains for about two weeks - Patients need to wear scrotal support for three to four days

Risks : - Swelling - Infection - Prolonged pain - Bleeding - Sperm granuloma, which is a lump caused by sperm leakage into the surrounding tissue - Congestive epididymitis, which is inflammation of the vas deferens - Recanalization, which is a condition in which the vas deferens may grow back (rare)

After care : - Patients can use an ice pack to reduce swelling. - Pain medication may be used to ease the pain. - Patients should wear comfortable underwear after vasectomy. - Patients should avoid lifting heavy objects for a week after vasectomy. - Patients may experience mild aching during sexual arousal for a few months after vasectomy. - Sexual intercourse should be avoided for a week after vasectomy.

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