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Urology Centers in Spain

Hospitals, clinics and medical centers in Spain who specialize in urology.
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Fundacio Puigvert

Fundació Puigvert state-of-the-art high technology equipment, including robotic surgery and minimally invasive approach, together with some of the world’s leading specialists and over 60 years of experience, allow the clinic to have served over 600.000 patients

7 listed urologists:

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Prof. Juan Palou Redorta, Prof, MD, PhD

Chairman of the Urology Department

Prof. Eduard Ruiz Castañé

Director of the Andrology Department

Hospital Quirónsalud Malaga

With more than 36 medical specialties, 200 physicians and surgeons of the highest level, Quironsalud Hospital Malaga is one of the most pertinent hospitals in Spain.

Available urological services:

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Sanitas Hospitales

Sanitas Hospitales is among the foremost programs for delivering sophisticated, patient-centered care across the entire spectrum of adult and adolescent urological conditions.

Listed urologists:

Dr. Ignacio Moncada Iribarren

Head of Urology, Sanitas La Zarzuela Hospital

Dr. Arturo Platas

Urology Specialist

Vithas Xanit International Hospital

Urology is the medical-surgical speciality covering study, diagnosis and treatment of pathologies that affect the urinary system, suprarenal glands and retroperitoneal glands of both sexes and the male reproductive system, with no age limit.

Listed urologist:

Dr. Juan Arocena Garcia

Head of The Urology Unit

Corposalud Clinic

A modern multispecialty healthcare clinic, located in Valencia, Spain that along with its ISO certified partner Hospitals − some of the most recognized private Hospitals in Spain − integrate clinical and hospital care.

Listed urologist:

Dr. Felipe Ordono Dominguez

Head of Genitourinary unit

Hospital Quirónsalud Marbella

This international hospital incorporates prestigious doctors, invests in research and development, technology and continuing education that enhances skills, in facilities, and in an increased operational efficiency in order to provide nothing but the best

Available urological services:

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Quirónsalud Madrid University Hospital

An ISO certified modern private hospital, which was opened in 2006, and is part of the Quironsalud Hospital Group. This tertiary care hospital has certified medical specialties capable of treating the most complicated medical cases.

Listed urologist:

Dr. José Manuel Rodríguez Luna

Head of Division of Urology

Hospital Universitario HM Sanchinarro

The Urology has as anatomical scope the kidney and adjacent structures, the urinary tract and the male genital tract , serving dysfunctions of the organs and structures.

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Grupo Hospitalario Quirónsalud

Quirón has an internationally prestigious medical staff, the largest in the sector, and is also the principal hospital network in terms of patient numbers and care facility area. The group administers 47 healthcare centers, more than 4.000 hospital beds and 8.000 doctors

Listed urologist:

Dr. Vital Hevia

Urology Specialist at Quirónsalud University Hospital Madrid

Centro Médico Quironsalud Teknon

The Department of urology generally treats diseases of or affecting the urinary system, including the kidney, urinary tract and bladder, prostate gland, and male genital organs.

Available urological services:

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