Hospital of Choice with a Passion for Care and Excellence The Mahkota Medical Centre (MMC) is a private health care services provider strategically located within the centre of Malacca Town, a famous historical and tourism area in Malaysia.
Anesthesiology & Intensive care
A leading private medical institution in Malaysia which has obtained a number of international accreditations.
An acute care general hospital in Penang with advanced facilities and healthcare professionals specializing in a wide range of medical areas.
Consultant Anaesthesiologist
A tertiary care hospital servicing local and international patients with modern facilities and over 110 consultants that cover a wide array of specialties.
Obstetric anaesthesia intensive careStem cell application & therapeutics
A Christian non-profit medical institution operating in the company of over 500 medical facilities with the Adventist Health International.
Anaesthesia is a pharmacologically induced reversible state of amnesia, analgesia, loss of responsiveness, loss of skeletal muscle reflexes and decreased stress response. This field of medicine seeks to help patients that are undergoing certain procedures and operations have a pain-free experience.
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