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MSQH Accreditation in Malaysia

MSQH stands for the Malaysian Society for Quality in Health. The MSQH accreditation is a voluntary accreditation designed to improve the quality of health care in Malaysia by improving organizations’ performance and patient care.

The Organization

The Malaysian Society for Quality in Health (MSQH) is a nonprofit organization under the Malaysian Registrar of Society. The organization was developed by the Ministry of Health in Malaysia alongside the Association of Private Hospitals of Malaysia and the Malaysian Medical Association.

MSQH’s Credentials

MSQH is the sole accreditation organization in Malaysia. The organization is recognized as the primary national health care facilities and services accreditation body by the Malaysian Ministry of Health.

MSQH has been awarded the ISQua (International Society for Quality in Health Care) Accreditation lasting from August 2008 to July 2012. The organization is actively involved in national committees such as the Patient Safety Council of Malaysia, the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council and the MPC Consultative Panel for Healthcare.

MSQH Standards

The goal of the MSQH organization is to “advocate, promote and support continuous quality improvements and safety in health care; establish and maintain Standard Development, Education & Training Programs; establish, maintain and develop an accreditation program; provide opportunity for collaboration, communication, sharing of experiences and exchange of ideas in all aspects of quality and safety in health care; and to establish and maintain a support network for all involved in quality improvement.”

The MSQH program measures standards in six areas:
  • Organization and Management
  • Quality Improvement Activities
  • Safety and Special Requirements
  • Facilities and Equipment
  • Human Resource Development and Management
  • Policies and Procedures
The safety aspect of the standards is important – an organization that meets all the standards but does not meet the safety requirements will not be accredited.

The MSQH standards apply to all the different kinds of hospitals considered for accreditation – large and small, public and private, and in rural and urban areas.

Accreditation Process

A hospital that wants to be considered for accreditation must first submit an application for special accreditation training, which is carried out by MSQH trainers. The organization then fills out an application form for a survey. If the organization is successful, MSQH will advise the hospital of the next steps and will consult on the actual survey dates.

In order to be eligible for accreditation, a hospital must:
  • Become a member of MSQH
  • Provide services that are covered by the MSQH standards
  • Be currently licensed
  • Have been operating for at least 12 months before the survey

Accreditation Time

Time taken for the actual process of accreditation varies between organizations. The hospital should ensure that the application for a survey is received at least three months before the hospital expects the survey to be carried out.

Accreditation Cost

MSQH will inform the hospital after it has been accepted as to the actual costs associated with their particular hospital survey.

Re-accreditation Process

An organization can receive three-year accreditation from MSQH if the facilities substantially comply with the MSQH standards. If an organization meets most of the standards, it will receive one-year accreditation.

When accredited, an organization will receive an application form for reaccreditation six months before the current accreditation expires. The subsequent cycle of accreditation takes the same form – a survey and application.

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