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Spinal Surgery in Barcelona

Hospitals and medical centers in Barcelona, Spain performing Spinal Surgery.
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Barcelona Spine Center

A neurosurgery center within Quiron Hospital Barcelona, specializing in minimally invasive surgeries on the spine. The Barcelona Spine Centre team of three neurosurgeons have over 15 years of experience in the field of neurosurgery.


Spinal Surgery is available at Barcelona Spine Center

3 listed neurosurgeons:

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Dr. Pablo Clavel

Chief Neurosurgeon

Centro Médico Quironsalud Teknon

The highly efficient teams at Teknon's Neurosurgery Departments across the country perform complicated procedures like Brain & Spine Surgery, deep brain stimulation, skull base surgery, neurovascular surgery.


Spinal Surgery is available at Centro Médico Quironsalud Teknon

Hospital General de Catalunya

Hospital General de Catalunya provides medical services in over 25 specialties, being one of the most technologically advanced hospitals in Europe, with an excellent medical care capacity to carry out complex surgeries and medical conditions.


Spinal Surgery is available at Hospital General de Catalunya

Hospital Quirónsalud Barcelona

Quirónsalud Hospital Barcelona is the benchmark for private healthcare in southern Europe, providing world-class service for the past seventy years.


Spinal Surgery is available at Hospital Quirónsalud Barcelona

Neurosurgery hospitals in Barcelona (Page 1 of 1)

About Spinal Surgery

This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician.

What is Spinal Surgery?

This procedure is performed on the spinal column for a number of complications. It is intended to restore usability of the spine and its structures. One of these complications is a pinched nerve. The surgery is intended to correct any deformities that may impede normal function of the spinal cord.


Diagnosing spinal disorders is a long and complex process. It involves soft tissue imaging and other techniques. The main imaging technique used is an MRI. A CT scan is also used if the need arises.Besides that, the doctor examines the patient’s medical history and does other tests. These are done to rule out the likelihood of it being something else. Once that is done, the doctor may perform a background study into the patient’s occupation. All these factors help to determine if surgery is needed.


Treatment for spinal complications depends on the specific complication. For instance, in the case of a herniated disc, spinal surgery is performed to remove all material that is causing the complications. This will then entail the space being filled with bone from another part or with a titanium piece. If the patient is suffering from nerve compression, an operation is performed to shave off part of the bone causing this. Nerve compression usually causes unbearable pain. The aim is to relieve as much pain as possible.

Spinal surgery can either take place through the front or the back. If the operation involves a herniated disc, surgeons prefer to go through the front. As a result, he/she is not faced with having to encounter nerves unnecessarily. However, surgery may also go through the back if it is required.

Duration of procedure/surgery : Due to the invention of minimally invasive techniques, patients only need to stay in the hospital for a day. However, they may have to stay longer if the surgery was complex. This assists the doctor d

Recovery : Recovering from spinal surgery does not take long. Depending on why the surgery was needed, patients will notice that symptoms begin to fade. However, the first few days after surgery can be painful. After the wounds heal, the patient will be able to go back to their normal routine. However, sometimes this may not be possible. This is especially if the patient’s work involved lifting heavy loads. Additionally, athletes may have to switch careers.

Risks : As with any surgery, the patient’s risks getting an infection. However, this risk is reduced due to the use of minimally invasive techniques. In addition, there is the danger of lifelong paralysis. The risk of being crippled should be seriously considered. Besides that, spinal surgery carries the serious risk of death. This is especially if it takes place on the upper part of the spine.

After care : Continuing to engage in strenuous activity puts the person’s life at risk. A person should also walk around with a cane to avoid too much pressure on the spine. Diet should also be an important consideration. It will help to quicken the healing process.

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