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Rotator Cuff Surgery in Italy

Hospitals and medical centers in Italy performing Rotator Cuff Surgery.

Fondazione Poliambulanza Hospital

In 1903, a group of 12 doctors in Brescia established Fondazione Poliambulanza as a private and non-profit hospital.

Listed orthopedics specialists:

Dr. Terragnoli Flavio, MD

Director of the Orthopedics

Prof. Benazzo Francesco, MD - R.s.d.

Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist


Procedure Prices

Rotator Cuff Injury

upon request

Humanitas Hospitals

Humanitas is a highly specialized teaching and research hospital. Accredited by the National Health Service, Humanitas is home to world-level doctors in more than 50 clinical areas grouped in specialized centers. The hospital has an Emergency room and a Radiotherapy Area for outpatients.


Procedure Prices

Rotator Cuff Surgery

upon request

Orthopedic centers in Italy (Page 1 of 1)

About Rotator Cuff Surgery

This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician.

Do I need surgery to repair a rotator cuff tear?
Most rotator cuff tears are treated with non-surgical therapies, such as cold compression therapy and physical therapy.

However, rotator cuff repair surgery may be needed in the following cases:

  • The rotator cuff tear was caused by a sudden injury. In these cases, it's best to operate within a few weeks of the injury.
  • A complete rotator cuff tear causes severe shoulder weakness.
  • The rotator cuff has failed to improve after 3-6 months of conservative nonsurgical treatment (such as physical therapy).
  • You need full shoulder strength and function for your job or activities.

What surgery options are available for rotator cuff repair?
  • Open shoulder surgery.
  • A mini-open repair with arthroscopic assistance.
  • A fully arthroscopic surgery.

Days admitted : Usually rotator cuff repair is done as an outpatient procedure. In some cases you will need to stay 1-2 days at the hospital.

Anesthesia : General anesthesia or a nerve block.

Recovery : Recovery can take 3–6 months, with a sling being worn for the first 1–6 weeks.

Learn more about Rotator Cuff Surgery

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