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Neonatology Specialists Abroad

Hospitals and medical centers who who have Neonatology specialists.

Anadolu Medical Center

Anadolu Medical Center is one of the most modern, comprehensive and respected hospitals in Turkey. Anadolu is affiliated with John Hopkins Hospital.

Listed neonatologists:

Dr. Ebru Gozer, MD

Pediatrician & Neonatologist

Dr. Ayse Sokullu, MD


Rambam Medical Center

The Department of Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care takes care of some 5,200 newborn infants annually. It is comprised of two wards: The Well-baby Nursery (headed by Prof. Imad Makhoul) and the Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU)

Available neonatology services:

Full information upon request

Hospital Velmar

Welcome to our Private Hospital, where a friendly and courteous team of medical specialists with a wealth of scientific knowledge and ethical standards is committed to taking care of your healthcare needs. Our goal is to provide unmatched medical care by constantly innovating and investing in the tr

Available neonatology services:

Full information upon request

KPJ Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital

A leading private medical institution in Malaysia which has obtained a number of international accreditations.

Available neonatology services:

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Centre Chirugical AMBROISE-PARÉ

In 2006, the clinic was acquired by an independent group Hexagone Hospitalisation, expanding and doubling its capacity to more than 200 beds.Clinique Ambroise Paré is a leader in chemotherapy, dialysis and In-Vitro Fertilization and is the first private facility

Available neonatology services:

Full information upon request

Neonatology centers abroad (Page 1 of 1)

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