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Low Sperm Count Treatment in Malaysia

Hospitals, clinics and medical centers in Malaysia performing Low Sperm Count Treatment.

KPJ Damansara Specialist Hospital

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a process by which an egg is fertilised by sperm outside the body: in vitro. IVF is a major treatment for infertility when other methods of assisted reproductive technology have failed.


Low Sperm Count is treated at KPJ Damansara Specialist Hospital

Fertility clinics in Malaysia (Page 1 of 1)

About Low Sperm Count

This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician.

What are the options available for helping conception in case of a low sperm count?

  • Drug treatments: There are many drugs to treat a low sperm count, including androgens, testolactone, FSH injections, steroids, kallikrein, clomiphene and antioxidants. Antibiotic treatment to clear an infection of the reproductive tract may also help treat male infertility.
  • IVF: IVF, in vitro fertilization, takes sperm and injects it directly into the egg, bypassing problems with sperm delivery.
  • IUI: IUI, intrauterine insemination, is artificial insemination carried out by injecting specially treated sperm into the womb.
  • ICSI: ICSI, intracytoplasmic insemination, is an IVF procedure that injects a single sperm into an egg and transfers it to the uterus.
  • PESA: A small amount of sperm is removed through a thin needle and used in ICSI.
  • TESA: Mature sperm are extracted using a thin needle and used in the ICSI procedure.
  • TESE: Sperm is removed through extracted tissue from the testicles and used in ICSI.

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