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Facelift at TWT Health


A facelift, scientifically referred to as a rhytidectomy, is a transformative surgical procedure designed to address the signs of aging in the face and neck. This encompassing cosmetic surgery involves the meticulous repositioning or removal of sagging skin, fat, and muscle to achieve a revitalized appearance.

Wherever the lift is needed, the surgeon is separating the skin from the underlying fat and muscle. After the removal of the fat, the surgeon is elevating the supporting fascial layers of the face. The surgeon is pulling the skin back and so the excess skin is removed.

It's important to note that facelifts are personalized cosmetic restorative procedures tailored to individual facial characteristics and desired outcomes. While they significantly improve signs of aging, they do not alter fundamental features or halt the natural aging process. Facelifts do not target superficial wrinkles, sun damage, or skin color irregularities.

Facelift surgery, goes beyond just turning back the clock—it helps patients look and feel like a rejuvenated version of themselves. By eliminating excess, sagging skin, smoothing deep folds, and lifting and tightening deep facial tissues, a facelift not only makes a patient appear younger but also enhances their overall facial aesthetic.


As the natural aging process unfolds, our skin undergoes changes such asreduced elasticity and a gradual loss of facial volume. These transformation scan lead to the emergence of "jowls," deep wrinkles, and loose skinon the neck. While aging is a natural and inevitable part of life, individuals bothered by these signs may find a facelift to be a transformative solution.

The Aging Process and Facelift Candidacy:

As we age, factors such as diminishing skin elasticity, drooping facial muscles, and sagging skin become more pronounced. Genetics, daily life stresses, gravity, sun exposure, and drastic weight loss contribute to the aging process. A facelift is most effective when the face and neck exhibit signs of sagging, and the skin retains some elasticity with a strong, well-defined bone structure.

Facelifts are commonly sought by individuals in their 40s to 60s, although successful procedures can be performed on those in their 70s or 80s. The goal is not to create an obvious transformation but to impart a younger, healthier, lively, and cheerful appearance.

Choosing a facelift is an empowering decision, allowing individuals to harmonize their external appearance with their inner vitality. At TWT Health Tourism, we prioritize personalized care, guiding you through the transformative journey towards rediscovering your youthful radiance.


1- Traditional Facelift:

      Procedure: Involves incisions around the ears, hairline, and below the chin.

     Targets: Addresses moderate to significant facial aging by tightening muscles and supporting structures.

2- SMAS Facelift (SMAS Rhytidectomy):

      Procedure: Targets the lower two-thirds of the face, involving the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS).

     Focus: Tightens muscles, trims excess skin, and addresses cheeks and lower face.

     Addresses moderate to advanced aging around the mid-face and neck.

     Extensive surgery with incisions behind the hairline, achieving dramatic results.

     Repositions deeper tissues to eliminate jowling, sagging skin, and restore youthful contours.

3-        Deep Plane Facelift:

      Procedure: Lifts SMAS, fat, and skin as a single unit for comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

     Coverage: Addresses multiple areas simultaneously for a holistic result.

     Repositions deeper tissues, including muscles, for thorough lifting without excessive skin tension.

     Achieves longer-lasting results compared to traditional methods.

     May involve repositioning fat pads for a lifted mid-face appearance.

4-        Mid-Facelift:

     Procedure: Targets the cheek area by repositioning fat and tightening cheek skin.

5-        Mini-Facelift:

      Ideal for mild jowling and sagging skin.

     Lessinvasive, utilizing shorter incisions.

     Targets deep facial tissues, refining the jawline and addressing signs of aging.

     Can be performed with local anesthesia or sedation, delaying the need for more extensive surgery.

     Procedure: Focuses on the lower face and neck, offering a quicker, less invasive alternative.

     Recommendation: Suitable for younger individuals with early signs of sagging.

Procedure Steps:

1. Anesthesia:

     Your surgeon will administer either general anesthesia (putting you to sleep) or IVsedation based on your unique requirements and the type of facelift chosen.

2. The Incision:

     Depending on the selected facelift type, incisions are strategically made in specific areas such as:

      In your hairline at your temples.

     Around your ears.

     At your lower scalp.

     Under your chin.

     In your mouth.

     The size and placement of incisions vary, tailored to the chosen facelift approach. Your surgeon will discuss these details with you before the surgery.

3. The Procedure:

      Facelift procedures typically involve repositioning  and/or removing facial skin and/or fat while tightening facial muscles.

     The surgeon may perform one or a combination of these actions based on the selected facelift type. Detailed discussions with your surgeon will precede the surgery to clarify the chosen approach.

4. Closing theIncisions:

     After the transformative steps, your surgeon will close the incisions using one ofthe following options:

      Dissolvable stitches.

     Stitches that require removal after a few days.

     Skin glue.

Possible Complications of Facelift:

While facelifts are generally safe, complications can occur. Risks include anesthesia issues, infection, wound healing problems, hematoma, changes in skin sensation,facial nerve injury, temporary or permanent hair loss, scarring, and prolonged swelling. Important considerations include the temporary nature of results, inability to change fundamental appearance, and the importance of selecting aboard-certified surgeon.

What to expect after the Facelift?

Facelift recovery generally involves swelling, bruising, and discomfort for several weeks. Stitches are usually removed after 7-10 days. Full results become evident within 3-6 months as swelling subsides. Facelifts offer significant improvements in facial contours, reducing wrinkles, tightening skin, and restoring a youthful appearance.

1. Quick Recovery:

      Patients typically resume normal daily activities within about 2 weeks, with strenuous exercise postponed for approximately 4weeks after a standard facelift. Mini facelifts often have even shorter recovery periods.

     Each patient's healing process is unique, and your cosmetic surgeon will provide detailed aftercare instructions tailored to your specific needs.

2. Post-Surgery Concerns:

      Bruising and Swelling:

      Bruising and swelling peak around 2 days after surgery but gradually subside. After 10 to 14 days, they should be significantly reduced.

     Many patients feel comfortable going out in public within a week or so after the procedure, and camouflage makeup can be used to conceal any residual discoloration.

3. Protecting Your Face:

      Sun Protection:

      As you ease back into your routine, it's crucial to shield your face from the sun. Sunburn vulnerability lasts for several weeks post-surgery.

     Wearing a wide-brimmed hat and applying sunscreen regularly is essential for optimal scar healing and protection.

4. Sensations and Activities:

      Numbness and Sensitivity:

      Some numbness in the cheeks and ears is normal and typically improves in a few weeks or months. Long-term sensitivity loss may occur infront of the ears.

     Keeping your head elevated, especially during sleep, helps reduce swelling.


      Post-Surgery Activities:

      Light activities are encouraged after two weeks, while strenuous activities, saunas, and massages should be avoided for at least two weeks.

     Puffiness and stiffness are common initially, but these effects subside over time.

5. Scar Management and Appearance:

      Camouflage Makeup:

      Camouflage makeup can be used to cover bruising during the recovery period.

  Scars, typically well-hidden in the hairline, may require shorter hair around the wound. Men may find it slightly more challenging to conceal scars due to beard growth adjustments.


      Hair Growth and Scarring:

      There might be a slight reduction in hair growth inthe temples, but this is usually not problematic unless the hair is very thin and multiple facelifts are performed.

     Scars in the hairline are discreet, and the hair will have been cut shorter immediately around the wound.

6. Post-Surgery Precautions:

      Avoid Heavy Lifting and Bending:

      Heavy lifting is discouraged for several weeks, and bending down or engaging in vigorous activities should be approached gently.

     For at least two weeks, avoid sex and take precautions during daily activities.


      Driving Considerations:

     Resume driving when you feel safe and comfortable wearing a seatbelt. Verify with your insurance documents if needed.


Two Face Lift Options / Methods are available:


OPTION#1 - Face Lift (Rhytidectomy) – EUR 6250 Book Now !


Price Includes:

  • Consultation with the doctor/surgeon.
  • Pre-operation tests
  • Post operation medication
  • Surgery in a fully equipped hi-tech hospital for operations.
  • Local translator.
  • A hospital room is a private room with a patient bathroom.
  • Post-op care.
  • A follow-up visit with the Doctor.
  • Accommodation in 5 or 4-star well-known hotels for 6 days total.
  • 1 Night stay at the hospital for you and your companion
  • Airport and Internal Transfers
  • Life-time online support


Days of Hospitalization: 2 Days: 1 pre-op, 1 post-op

Days of Stay in Turkey: 8 Days           




OPTION#2 - Face Lift (Smas) – EUR 7300 Book Now !


Price Includes:

  • Consultation with the doctor/surgeon.
  • Pre-operation tests
  • Post operation medication
  • Surgery in a fully equipped hi-tech hospital for operations.
  • Local translator.
  • A hospital room is a private room with a patient bathroom.
  • Post-op care.
  • A follow-up visit with the doctor
  • Accommodation in 5 or 4-star well-known hotels for 6 days total.
  • 1 Night stay at the hospital for you and your companion
  • Airport and Internal Transfers.
  • Life-time online support.


Days of Hospitalization: 2 Days: 1 pre-op, 1 post-op

Days of Stay in Turkey: 8 Days           


*Click here If you prefer before buying package to Start Conversation with Hospital

Author & Surgeon: Dr. Murat Acar

Posted: Feb 10, 2024 at 14:02 UTC
Last Updated: Feb 18, 2024 at 16:42 UTC

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