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CBC Health Case Study of Stem Cell Therapy for Stroke

Posted:           12 November 2021 at 13:10 UTC
Last Updated: 4 July 20224 at 13:25  UTC


Sasa T. came to CBC Health hoping to get some improvement from the stroke he suffered. Due to stroke, Sasa got speech disorder and partially had paralyzed in limbs.

The Medical Team from CBC Health welcomed Sasa T.'sarrival with great care and ensured that he received the comfort he needed.CBC’s Medical Concierge team organized all the needs of stroke patients and their families, starting from flights, accommodation, and specific facilities for people with handicaps, free-time activities.

What makes this therapy so interesting and highly valuable is that Cord Blood contains not only highly enriched cells but also proteins, which help the brain to taper down dramatically inflammation and re-growth of vessels and reconnect the neurons.


"Umbilical Cord Blood has been known for over 30 years in medicine and it's been shown for this long time, that it is a very safe procedure."


Dr. Nils H. Thoennissen, MD, Medical Director, CBC Health Eindhoven, the Netherlands

After undergoing Cord Blood Therapy, Sasa hopes that improvements will make it possible to carry out his usual routine, work, exercises, and others.


* Click here to view Original Paper

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