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SBK Surgery in Greece

Hospitals, clinics and medical centers in Greece performing SBK Surgery.

Hygeia Hospital

The Hygeia Hospital 1st Ophthalmology Clinic is recognized internationally for implementing innovative and reliable techniques and methods in the areas of diagnosis and surgery.


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SBK Surgery

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Ophthalmology centers in Greece (Page 1 of 1)

About SBK Surgery

This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician.

What is SBK Surgery?
SBK surgery, or Sub-Bowmans Keratomileusis, is a type of LASIK surgery (refractive eye surgery) to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. SBK surgery is LASIK surgery done using an extremely thin flap on the cornea.

How is SBK Surgery carried out?

  • The surgeon uses a laser to create a flap on the cornea and opens it to reshape the corneal tissue below in order to improve vision.
  • The surgeon closes the flap, which heals on its own.

What is the difference between SBK Surgery and LASIK?
The main difference between SBK surgery and LASIK surgery is SBK surgery creates an even thinner flap on the cornea than LASIK surgery. SBK surgery flaps are around 110 microns thick compared with 120 to 160 microns for LASIK. SBK surgery is better for people with thin corneas. SBK surgery affects fewer strong corneal fibers and thus may reduce the risk of corneal ectasia.
SBK surgery is also associated with a lower risk of developing dry eyes.

What are the chances of success with SBK Surgery?
According to results of a study carried out by Drs. Slade and Durrie, published on Refractive Surgery News, 100% of eyes treated with SBK surgery had 20/40 vision or better the day after surgery. One month after surgery, 90 percent of eyes had 20/20 vision.

Duration of procedure/surgery : The SBK procedure takes under 1 hour to complete.

Days admitted : None – SBK is carried out on an outpatient basis.

Anesthesia : Local anesthesia.

Recovery : - The vision may be foggy or blurry immediately after the surgery. - Most people can return to work the day after SBK surgery. - Vision after SBK clears fully in 1 or 2 months following the procedure.

Risks : SBK surgery is associated with similar risks to LASIK eye surgery. Risks include: - There is a greater chance of hazing or scarring with SBK surgery than LASIK surgery. - There is less chance of dry eyes with SBK surgery. - Over-correction or under-correction of vision. - Infection.

After care : - Take prescribed antibiotic and medicated eye drops for a few weeks following SBK surgery. - Protect the eyes from excessive glare with dark shields. - Avoid sport or strenuous activity for a week following SBK surgery. - Some patients need to wear eye patches at night to lessen the chances of infection. - Refrain from rubbing your eyes following the SBK surgery procedure.

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