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Hospital Universitario HM Montepríncipe


Madrid, Spain

Hospital Universitario HM Montepríncipe - Overview

The Hospital has all the medical-surgical specialties, both children and adults. With approximately 200 beds divided into adult ICUs, pediatric and neonatal ICUs, general and cardiology facilities with single rooms, adult and pediatric day hospitals, adult and pediatric oncology hospitals, thoracic also Laboratory of clinical analysis, with Microbiology and deposit of blood, and Laboratory of Pathological Anatomy.

Hospital Universitario HM Monteprincipe also has a 24-hour Emergency and Neonatal ICU service.

The hospital is equipped with a wide surgical area and state-of-the-art sanitary technology. Its Diagnostic Imaging Service is equipped with equipment of conventional radiology, ultrasound, digital mammography, CT of 160 cuts virtual colonoscopy, CT scan and Dentascan, closed MRI of high field of 1.5 Teslas, cardioMRI, functional neuroMRI, spectroscopy, full-body MRI, pediatric magnetic resonance, bone densitometry, and orthopantomography. HM Monteprincipe's facilities include several buildings of consultations of all specialties such as Pediatrics, Gynecology and Obstetrics and the outpatient area of the Comprehensive Center for Cardiovascular Diseases (CIEC), as well as the Teaching Pavilion of HM Hospitals and the Universidad CEU San Pablo, where they receive theoretical and practical training the doctors in training of this institution within the framework of our teaching project.

The Hospital was the first private hospital in Spain certified according to ISO 9001: 2008 for all its services and this was also the first private hospital of the Madrid Community to be accredited as a university center in 2007. Both certifications were then extended to all HM Hospitals centers.

Monteprincipe expertise, medical team, and its incredible location, will help the international patient feel the quality of its medical assistance.

Healthcare reputation monitor MERKO 2016.

Every year more than 2000 doctors, nurses, patient and healthcare journalists choose the hospital services and physicians with the best reputation in Spain and one more year this study has placed two of our hospitals in Madrid, Hospital Universitario, HM Monteprincipe and Hospital Universitario HM Sanchinarro, within the top 5 private hospitals according to their reputation and patient care outcomes.


International patient mobility driven by access to more prestigious medical treatments and diagnoses and at a most affordable price is registering continuous growth. This phenomenon, commonly known as health tourism, positions our Hospitals in a privileged position due to their extended international experience and the highest professional standards. This encourages us to further improve not only our international patient care protocols, but also to continue seeking agreements and cooperation wth other countries in order to expose the advanced specialisation of our services and facilitate better access to those services for our  patients.

The hospital covers all medical specialties, with some unique medical procedures, like HIFU applied to temblor's treatment.

The experience with many international medical insurance companies will facilitate your medical assistance as well. The hospital's exclusive and personalised international patient department is at your disposal 24/7/365 trying to solve your queries as soon as possible. In order to allow you to benefit from the medical portfolio and expertise at HM Hospital and to make your stay in Madrid the most pleasant possible for yourself and your family, the hospital manages the following information regarding your visit, accommodation, required documents and prior examinations.

In order to be able to estimate the treatment possibilities with the hospital, requiring a detailed medical report, they will be able to tell you what treatment you can have with them, cost and time of it. Therefore, the medical report need to be as current as possible.

MCIEC was conceived aiming to ensure a multidisciplinary focus, specialized, personalized and first level of all diseases of the cardiovascular system. This Comprehensive Center has become established as unique since it integrates the patient care with the investigation (basic and clinic) and teaching, all of them are of vital importance in this medicinal field.

With the efforts to give the CIEC the best technology, in 2013, 160 detectors CT was installed, a 3D of the latest generation echo cardiographer was purchased and are proceeding to an implementation of a comprehensive system of cardiac imaging that will allow to raise the quality of imaging studies in this complex activity area. It is worth highlighting that within the CIEC structure there is the first, and for now the only robot-assissted electrophysiology room in Madrid.

From a clinical point of view, the hospital has created multidisciplinary program integrated by all the involved specialists in the different cardiovascular pathologies. A clear example of this is the start-up of an ambitious Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. Furthermore, all specialties have agreed in clinical guidelines for action in the most prevalent pathologies. Complex cases are evaluated in a multidisciplinary session between all specialties in Cardiology and related areas from all the HM Hospitales centers involved in the patient service providing process.



  • Cardiac Imaging Program
  • Valve Diseases

Special Services

  • Clinical Cardiology Service
  • Vascular Cardiology Service
  • Clinical Arrhythmology and Cardiac Electrophysiology Service
  • Hemodynamics and Interventionist Cardiology Service


  • 26 telemtry monitored rooms
  • Cardiac Hemodynamics Flat Panel Room
  • Robot-assisted Electrophysiology
  • Outpatient area: 8 examination rooms with Clinical Cardiology, Cardiac Electrophysiology, Cardiac Surgery and Vascular Surgery services.
  • Exclusive Cardiac Surgery operation room with 24h alarm
  • Chest Pain Unit
  • Program of Cardiological check-ups and Cardiac Rehabilitation
  • Coronary 64 slices CT (soon to be replaced by a 160 slices CT, cardiac MR


  • Arabic
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The data provided in this page was provided by Hospital Universitario HM Montepríncipe  or it's represetatives. last updated on Aug 13, 2020.
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