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Chaophya Hospital


Bangkok, Thailand

Cardiac Surgery at Chaophya Hospital

Base prices are in Baht, last updated on Jan 26, 2025.

  • Prices in other currencies are calculated according to the current exchange rates.
  • Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
  • Please check with Chaophya Hospital about current prices, limitations, extra charges etc.

Pediatric Cardiac Surgery


Procedures Price

CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting)



The Package Includes:
- Operating room charges and recovery room
- Routine medical equipment and medical supplies in operation room
- Medication: Only for inpatient medication
- Surgeon fees and Anesthesiologist fees
- Charges for special nurse for 2 days
- Nursing and Operating team service charges
- Accommodation for 7 nights (C.C.U x 2 nights & patient room x 5 nights)

The Package Includes:

• Cardiac Surgery Operating Room Charges : OR Room Use , Recovery Room , Scrub & Circulate Nurse
• Accommodation for 2night in the post-surgical Coronary Care Unit (CCU) Subsequently, room charges for the category of room selected in the surgical ward up to 5 nights stay
• Routine laboratory tests necessary for the procedure as ordered by the attending physician
• Radiology Studies: Chest X-ray (if required )
• Cardiac investigation : EKG (as required)
• Medications : Routine medication used for procedure and during admission only
• Medications: Routine medication used for procedure and during admission only
• Medical Supplies: Routine Cardiac Surgery Supplies
• Doctor Fees
◦Cardiac Surgeon
◦ Assistant Surgeon (if necessary)
◦ Cardiac Anesthesiologist
◦ Cardiologist
◦ Physical Medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R)

The Package Excludes:
- Comprehensive evaluation and management
- Charges for additional medical equipment use
- Medication: Inpatient medication and take home medication
- Charges for backup blood transfusion in operation room, IF REQUIRED
- Doctors visiting fees
- Charges for specialist consultation, if required
- Medication and medical supplies before operation
- Charges for operating bed

Coronary Angiogram (CAG)



The Package Includes:
- Cardiac Cathetrization room charges
- Routine medical equipment and medical supplies in Cardiac Catheterization room
- Nursing charges in Catheterization room
- Accommodation for one night hospitalization
- Doctors Fee

The Package Excludes:
- Charges for inpatient stay in excess of one night
- Charges for additional medical equipment used in Catheterization room
- Charges for medication not related to procedure
- Charges for any extra use of Catheter more than the normal procedure required
- In patient room mini-bar, guest meals, telephone call local or overseas
- Take home medication and supplies (if any)

CT Coronary Angiogram + Calcium Score



The Package Includes:
- Charges for lab test: BUN, Creatinine for Renal Function
- Contrast agent
- Medical supplies in CT-scan room and medications related to the procedure
- Nursing and operational team service charges
- Charges for CD copy and pass processing pictures
- Doctor Fee

PTCA (Percutaneous Trans Coronary Angiography)



The Package Includes:
- Cardiac Cathetrization room charges
- Routine medical equipment and medical supplies in Cardiac Catheterization room
- Nursing charges in Catheterization room
- Accommodation for 2-3 nights hospitalization
- Doctors Fee
The Package Exclude:
- Cost of Stent and take home medications
- Cost for lab tests and investigations and excess of 3 nights stay in hospital

Valve Replacement



Cardiac Valve Replacement Surgery Package

The Package Includes :

* Operating room charges & recovery room
* Routine Medical equipment & medical supplies in operating room
* Medication : only inpatient medication
* Surgeon fees & anesthesiologist fees
* Nursing & operation team service charges
* Accomodation for 7 nights (C.C.U. for 2 nights & patient room for 5 nights)

The package Excludes :
* Pre-operative studies, e.g. Blood Chemistry, Cardiac Catheterization)
* Charges for additional medical equipment in operating room
* Charges for Back-up blood transfusion in operating room
* Cost of artificial valve (price is based on valve's type)
* Other charges for medications not related to the procedure
* Item of a personal nature : in room soft drinks, guest meal, telephone call will be charged at the normal rates in effect
* Take home medication and supplies

Costing: starting from 427,595.00
*Prices are subject to change without prior notice.

Cardiac Valve Replacement Surgery



The Package Includes:
- Operating room charges and recovery room
- Routine medical equipment and medical supplies in operation room
- Medication: Only for inpatient medication
- Surgeon fees and Anesthesiologist fees
- Cost of artificial valve (price will be based on the brand and type of valve)
- Nursing and Operating team service charges
- Accommodation for 7 nights (C.C.U x 2 nights & patient room x 5 nights)
The Package Excludes:
- Pre-operative studies, e.g. Blood Chemistry, Cardiac Catheterization
- Charges for additional medical equipment in operating room
- Other charges for medication not related to the procedure
- In room mini-bar, guest meal, telephone call local or oversea
- Take home medication and supplies

Mitral valve replacement + 1 valve





Aortic Aneurysm Surgery




Balloon Valvuloplasty




Coronary Angioplasty


Defibrillator Implant


DOR procedure


Heart Bypass


Open Heart Surgery


Pacemaker Implant


Transmyocardial Revascularization


Cardiac Surgery - any other procedure / treatment


The data provided in this page was collected from the Chaophya Hospital  , and other internet sources. last updated on Jan 26, 2025.
Please read our disclaimer. If you have found any errors or missing data, please inform us.

Cardiac surgeons Staff at Chaophya Hospital

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