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Ars Medica Laser Clinic


Budapest, Hungary

Urology at Ars Medica Laser Clinic




On the day of the surgery, the patient signs the consent form, then the necessary lab tests are done and the surgery fee is paid. Immediately before the operation, the patient is premedicated with an injection containing analgesics and sedatives. The operation can be performed under local anesthesia, spinal anesthesia or general anesthesia. The majority of our surgeries are performed with local anesthesia, which means infiltration of the surgical field with 1% Lidocaine. During surgery the testis on the affected side and the surrounding hydrocele is exposed and prewarmed. After opening the hernia sac the fluid within is suctioned out, then large part of the hernia sac is removed. After careful hemostasis the remaining layers of the hernia sac are everted and united behind the testis with continuous absorbable sutures. The wound is closed in layers using absorbable sutures. The skin is united with cosmetic sutures.

Urology - any other procedure / treatment


The data provided in this page was collected from the Ars Medica Laser Clinic  , and other internet sources. last updated on Jan 25, 2016.
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Urologists Staff at Ars Medica Laser Clinic

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