On the day of the surgery, the patient signs the consent form, the necessary lab tests are done and the fee for the procedure is paid. Immediately before surgery the patient is premedicated with an injection containing analgesics and sedatives. The surgery may be done with local, spinal or under general anesthesia. local anesthesia means infiltration of the surgical field with 1% Lidocaine. The 4-5 cm incision can be made in the crease below the breast, in the armpit or across the areola. In the pocket that is created for the implant we frequently place drain tubes to allow the serous secretions to escape; these are removed the next day. The implant is inserted between the breast tissue and the pectoral muscle. Then the wound is closed in layers, skin closure is always done with cosmetic sutures. At the end of the procedure pressure dressing is applied to the chest. |
Breast Reduction and Mastopexy
The procedure involves correction of the position, shape and size of the breasts. If size is the main problem we remove the necessary skin and breast tissue; however if the size of the breasts is different, depending on the patients constitution and other factors, reduction of the larger breast or augmentation of the smaller with an implant may be performed. Correction of shape and position of the breasts is accomplished by removal of the excess lax skin and securing the breasts in their physiological position. Following careful hemostasis the wound is closed with cosmetic sutures. Frequently suction tubes are placed into the surgical area to drain serous secretions. At the end of the procedure dressing is applied to the chest. |
On the day of the surgery, the patient signs the consent form, then the necessary lab tests are done and the fee for the procedure is paid. Immediately before surgery the patient is premedicated with an injection containing analgesics and sedatives. The surgery may be done with local or under general anesthesia. Local anesthesia means infiltration of the surgical field with 1% Lidocaine. After an incision is made at the back of the ear the cartilage is reoriented into the desired position. If necessary an excision of appropriate size is made from the cartilage, which is then secured in the new position. Following hemostasis the skin is closed with cosmetic sutures. After surgery a pressure dressing is applied. |
The procedure is usually performed in local anesthesia but it can of course be done under general anesthesia as well. During plastic surgery of the upper eyelid an incision is made in the upper part of the eyelid, hidden in a natural crease, followed by excision of the excess skin marked for removal previously. During plastic surgery of the lower eyelid the incision is made 1-2 mm below the lashes parallel to the line of the eyelid. Reduction of the skin is usually moderate and the accumulated fat has to be removed in most cases. If necessary we also perform fixation of the supporting tissues. Wound closure is done with hidden cosmetic suture. During plastic surgery of the lower eyelid in certain cases removal of fat is possible through the conjunctival aspect of the eyelid leaving no visible scar at all. Plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids can be performed during separate sessions or simultaneously. Frequently plastic surgery of eyelids is done simultaneously with surgery for corrections of wrinkles on the face. At the end of the procedure we secure the sutures with bandaids. |
The procedure is usually done with local or under general anesthesia. Local anesthesia means infiltration of the surgical field with 1% Lidocaine. The procedure requires lengthy, careful preparation therefore patients need to be premedicated with a sedative-analgesic injection prior to procedures with local anesthesia. The incision begins above the hairline at the temple, continues in front of the ear curving back behind the earlobe to the nape where it again continues in the hairy scalp, mostly in areas covered with hair. Therefore after wound healing the scars are covered with hair and are not visible. During the procedure the facial skin is tightened after mobilization of the subcutaneous connective tissue and the excess flabby skin is trimmed. The wounds are closed with cosmetic sutures and a pressure headband is applied. |
The operation is generally carried out by local anaesthesia, rarely in genaral anesthesia. Local anaesthesia means injection of the operative area with 1% Lidocaine solution. The intervention is diuturnal therefore before local anaesthesia a so-called preparing injection consisting sedative and pain killer is given. During the operation the enraged labia minor - due to the previously defined lines- are reduced ibn size and following the careful haemostasis the wound is closed by plastic stitches. |
Prior to surgery the surgeon exactly marks the sites for liposuction. This is followed by local anesthesia or general anesthesia. This is followed by injections of a medicated solution into the previously marked areas that serves to dissolve and loosen up the fat. The surgical intervention starts from one or more small, approximately 4-5 mm incisions on the skin. Through these small openings suction cannula is introduced under the skin and with the help of vacuum the excess fat is suctioned off. The procedure is repeated in all the marked areas, then the entry openings are closed with fine sutures. At the end of the surgery pressure dressing and a snug compression garment is applied. |
The procedure is performed with local or under general anesthesia. The direction of the incision falls into the groove above the pubic hair in the line connecting the spines of the two hipbones. The abdominal muscles are mobilized up to the costal arcs and the excess tissue is removed. If diastasis or hernia is found between the rectus muscles of the abdomen they will be repaired. We create a new site for the navel and secure it in position. Following careful hemostasis we place drains into the wound to allow serous secretions to escape. The wound is then closed with cosmetic sutures. At the and of the surgery supportive abdominal binder is applied. |