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Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) in Paris

Hospitals, clinics and medical centers in Paris, France which have an ear nose and throat (ENT) center.
Ear Nose and Throat in France

Clinique de L'Alma

ENT specialists cater to ailments associated with ear, nose and throat, making it one of the best ENT hospitals in France.

Listed ENT specialist:

Dr. Dominique Elbaz


Centre Chirugical AMBROISE-PARÉ

In 2006, the clinic was acquired by an independent group Hexagone Hospitalisation, expanding and doubling its capacity to more than 200 beds.Clinique Ambroise Paré is a leader in chemotherapy, dialysis and In-Vitro Fertilization and is the first private facility

Available ENT services:

Full information upon request

ENT centers in Paris (Page 1 of 1)


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