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Arm Lift in France

Hospitals, clinics and plastic surgeons in France performing Arm Lift.

CHP Saint-Grégoire

CHP Saint-Grégoire (Saint Gregory Private Hospital), the first Breton hospital in France specializing in Surgery, was established in 2004 when three medical facilities -- Saint Vincent Clinic, Volney Polyclinic, Bréquigny Maternity -- merged into a single site.


Procedure Prices

Arm Lift

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Clinique Alphand

Clinique Alphand is the first Cosmetic Surgery in France, founded in Paris in 1950 by Dr Charles Claoué, french pioneer in Aesthetics Surgery. Located in the prestigious 16th district, the Clinique is today managed by two descendants of the founder.

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Arm Lift

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Cosmetic surgery centers in France (Page 1 of 1)

About Arm Lift

This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician.

What is an Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)?
An arm lift procedure, sometimes known as a brachioplasty, is an operational procedure that is designed to get rid off sagging, surplus skin under the upper arms.
The surgeon will make an incision either on the inside arm or on the back. If the patient needs a removal of fat deposits, the surgeon will use the process of liposuction to extract the fat. The tissues below are then reshaped.

What are the different types of Arm Lift Surgery?

  • Mini Arm Lift
    This procedure is similar to the above description, but less skin is involved in the reshaping process. Also the size of the incision is smaller and situated in the armpit region. This procedure is not as popular as the upper arm lift, due to the fact that most patients need more contouring and reshaping of a full Arm Lift.

Duration of procedure/surgery : The Arm Lift procedure takes about two hours.

Days admitted : Generally, most patients will go home the same day as the procedure. However, its important to note, that it is advisable to have someone available to drive and help out overnight.

Anesthesia : General anaesthesia

Recovery : Once the Arm Lift procedure has been performed, the plastic surgeon will fit the patient with a medical bandage. Then, after two weeks, the bandage will be taken away and the stitches removed.

Risks : Generally, all procedures come with possible risks, and an Arm lift is no exception. Risks may include the following: bleeding and infection numbness in the skin blood clots nerve damage skin discoloration and swelling An Arm Lift procedure always results in a permanent scar. To reduce risk, patients are advised to choose their surgeon wisely.

After care : An arm lift procedure is a rather major operation and therefore, it is advisable to take one or two weeks off work to recover. Try to avoid lifting heavy objects or doing any taxing activities. Naturally, moderate exercise is beneficial to your recovery as it promotes good circulation.

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