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Stem Cell Therapy for Arthritis in Mexico

Hospitals and medical centers in Mexico performing Stem Cell Therapy for Arthritis.

Cost of Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy in Mexico

Procedure Minimum price Maximum price

Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy

$US 2,500

$US 5,500

Hospitals and clinics offering Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy in Mexico

Baja Orthopedics

A specialized orthopedic clinic from Tijuana with three orthopedic specialists, all of which speak English and regularly treat American patients. The clinic was established in 1990, is ISO certifiede, and all doctors speak English.


Arthritis is treated at Baja Orthopedics

Health & Wellness Bazaar, Inc.

Health & Wellness Bazaar is an elite network of Board-Certified English-speaking doctors in strategic locations in Mexico and Latin American specializing in Orthopedics, Cardiology, Regenerative Medicine, Bariatrics, Plastic Surgery, General Surgery, and Pain Management.


Arthritis is treated at Health & Wellness Bazaar

San Angel Hospital

A small, modern, private hospital, located in the border city of Nuevo Laredo, right across the Texas border. 50% of the patients come from the United States, due to the proximity to the Texas border, and to the easy access by car and by air.


Arthritis is treated at San Angel Hospital

Integra Medical Center

A medical facility offering treatments and therapies for degenerative diseases.


Arthritis is treated at Integra Medical Center

International Bio Care Hospital

A unique hospital that uses integrative medical approach for treating cancer patients, Autoimmune Degenerative Diseases, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other so called "Chronic diseases". Treatment methods are individually tailored for each patient.


Arthritis is treated at International Bio Care Hospital

Stem cell clinics in Mexico (Page 1 of 1)

About Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy

This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician.

What is arthritis?

This is a disease whereby the patient’s immune system produces antibody and cellular responses to different components of the joint. Because of this autoimmune response, joint destruction occurs, as well as other complications such as renal damage, pulmonary fibrosis, and heart damage.

What are the symptoms of arthritis?

Arthritis can easily be confused with rheumatoid disease because the symptoms are very similar. Some of the symptoms that could be an indication of arthritis include:

  • Joint pain
  • Fatigue
  • Joint redness
  • Swelling of the joints
  • Stiffness of the joints
  • Joint warmth
  • Poly arthritis (when many joints are affected)
  • Joint deformity
  • Loss of joint function
  • Limping
  • Fever
  • Anemia

What is the current treatment for arthritis?

The current medications used are immune suppressants such as steroids. However, these pose long-term side effects because of their nonspecific immunosuppression. Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are used and if ineffective, biologic may be recommended. All these medications do not help with the damage that has already occurred.

Presently arthritis has no known cure. The main goal of treatment plans is usually to:

  • Prevent joint deformity and destruction
  • Maximize joint function
  • Reduce joint pain and inflammation

Can stem cells help treat arthritis?

Researchers have used stem cell therapy to try and provide a cure or treatment for artistes. Stem cells are used to accelerate healing. Stem cells are able to control the immune system and defend the body from pathological responses while still defending it from disease.

Using stem cell therapy, mesenchymal stem cells are used to produce anti-inflammatory agents. The stem cells act locally and do not suppress the immune system in the whole body. Moreover, mesenchymal stem cells promote the production of T regulatory cells, which serve to protect the body from attacking itself.

Stem cells can be found in our bodies and their main purpose is to do repairs in the body. Sometimes, due to age or other factors such as injuries, the cells are not enough. Stem cell therapy aims at increasing your body’s own stem cells to increase repair and accelerate healing.

Which kinds of stem cells are used to treat arthritis and how are they obtained?

Allogenic mesenchymal stem cells are preferred when treating arthritis. They are harvested from human umbilical, cords which are donated after healthy and normal births. All the mothers who choose to donate their umbilical cords undergo thorough and comprehensive testing and screening for diseases.

The umbilical cords are then analyzed and those with the proteins and genes that are most effective are chosen.

Advantages of treating with allogeneic human umbilical cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells include:

  • The cells can be administered several times over a period of days or weeks in uniform dosages.
  • The cells possess the best anti-inflammatory activity, ability to stimulate regeneration and immune modulating capacity.
  • Umbilical cord tissue has an abundant supply of mesenchymal cells
  • There is no need for invasive procedures to harvest the cells.
  • Mesenchymal stem cells are immune system privileged. This means that cell rejection is not an issue.

How long does the procedure last?

Stem cell therapy for the treatment of arthritis can be done on the same day as the harvest. However, most patients undergo a treatment plan that takes about a week. This all depends on each unique patient.

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