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Marieva Health Care


Athens, Glyfada, Greece

Rehabilitation at Marieva Health Care

Base prices are in Euro, last updated on Sep 13, 2022.

  • Prices in other currencies are calculated according to the current exchange rates.
  • Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
  • Please check with Marieva Health Care about current prices, limitations, extra charges etc.
Packages Price

- Notice About Pricing



18000 EUR is the starting price for treatments offered.
The price will vary depending on the period of stay (2 weeks, 4 weeks, 45 days and 3 months) and the extra requirements of the patient

14 Days Detox



CEO Fragkou Kallirroe and her associates provide clients with personal customized treatments depending on each patient’s medical needs.

• Medical History
• Checkup (blood tests, ultrasound, cardiologists)
• Psychology and Psychotherapist treatment
• IV detox therapy
• 24h medical supervision and care by CEO Fragkou Kallirroe
• Nutrition
• Personal Chef
• Housekeeper
• Activities
*Gynecology hormone exams and gynecologists’ tests

45 Days Program



Our 45 Day detox full recovery program with specialized treatments, adaptable and customized to meet every client’s medical needs.

• Medical History
• Checkup (blood tests, ultrasound, cardiologists)
• One client at a time
• IV infusions
• Psychology and Psychotherapist treatment
• 24h medical supervision and care by CEO Fragkou Kallirroe
• Nutrition with daily program
• Personal Chef
• Housekeeper
• Activities
• Cooking classes
• Painting classes
* Gynecology hormone exams and gynecologists’ tests

After Care Support



Aftercare support can range from a couple of weeks to many months. Ongoing support can sometimes be arranged with CEO Fragkou Kallirroe can be managed by ongoing support via phone or video calls. This programme includes a therapist traveling home and staying with you for some time, available 24h for support.

• Psychotherapy online – once a week
• Psychological and Pharmacological monitor
• Nurse support 24h
• Nutrition support
Treatments Price

Anxiety Treatment



Our therapeutic plans usually consist a combination of pharmacotherapy and/ or psychotherapy. Antidepressants are usually the drugs of choice, which have a safer profile and are easy to use. Medications won’t cure the root cause of anxiety disorder but cognitive behavioral therapies will, helping patients alter the way of thinking(cognition) and acting (behavior) in stressful situations.
Our team of professionals help our clients understand and cope with the anxiety symptoms and while planning customized strategies to avoid reappearance in the future.

Depression Treatment



According to each patient's case our treament is adjusted to each person’s differentiated history and current levels of compulsion. Medication is used in most – but not all – cases to eliminate the dysphoria that the discontinuation of a certain behavior might cause. Psychotherapy and relaxing activities are the backbone of the treatment.

Eating Disorders Treatment



We offer a Comprehensive Anorexia and Bulimia treatment programmes. These programmes main focus is to understand the relationship our patient holds with his/ her food, while treating underlying issues which contribute to these disorders through coaching, psychotherapies and physical excercises. Our chef then prepares the appropriate and enticing daily meals for our patient.




Each case is evaluated separately from our scientific team, which chooses the most appropriate therapeutic approach using state-of-the-art technology and guarantees absolute safety and quality. Assisted reproduction prepared by our team of expertise includes all those techniques that are meant to achieve pregnancy.

PTSD Treatment



We use CBT therapy (cognitive behavioral therapy) in combinatation with other alternative therapies which help our patients learn how to better manage their stressful life situations .

Rehabilitation - any other procedure / treatment


The data provided in this page was provided by Marieva Health Care  or it's represetatives. last updated on Jan 20, 2022.
Please read our disclaimer. If you have found any errors or missing data, please inform us.

Rehabilitation specialists Staff at Marieva Health Care

Dr. Dimitris Apatangelos, MD

Medical Director/Psychiatrist/Psychotherapist

Dr. Paschalis Gkikas, MD

Psychiatrist – Psychotherapist – TMS Specialist

Ms. Sophia Melachrinou

Biologist / Yoga Instructor

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