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Damian Medical Centre


Warsaw, Poland

Dr. Margaret Piaskowska

Dr. Margaret Piaskowska

Damian Medical Centre
Speciality ENT
Languages Polish
About Specialist secondary foniatra otolaryngologist.

Employee Department of Otolaryngology, Medical University

The author of numerous scientific publications and popular articles in newspapers nationwide.

Coauthor Television program "5,10,15" in a series dedicated to health awareness among children.

Successor "of the Warsaw School of phoniatric" prof.B.Manieckiej-Alexandrovich.

The multi-annual academic teacher and researcher at the Academy of Special Education in Warsaw and Humanities School of Humanities.

Specialization and Main interests: Clinical
* Early prevention of precancerous laryngeal
* Disordered breathing and voice after thyroid surgery because of laryngeal paralysis vocal folds
* Diagnosis and treatment of vocal cord paralysis Laryngeal
* Treatment and prevention of professional voice disorders including voice nodules
* Diagnosis and treatment chrypek
* Breathing and voice rehabilitation after laryngeal surgery
* Diagnosis and treatment bezgłosu
* Conservative treatment of edema of the vocal folds (O. Reincke)
* Diagnosis and treatment of reflux (its effects in the upper respiratory tract).

The CMD affiliated (with break) since 1996 - since its inception.
Education A graduate of the Medical Academy in Warsaw.

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