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Istanbul, Turkey

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where does my inquiry go?
    It is sent to TWT Health Tourism and it is held in strictest confidence.
  • Who will contact me?
    One of TWT Health Tourism staff will get in touch with you.
  • What will I get?
    The specialists at TWT Health Tourism will review your information. They will let you know if additional information is needed to provide you with an accurate analysis. Once they have sufficient information, they will send you the treatment options, costs, details of the specialists and answers to your questions.
  • How long does it take?
    TWT Health Tourism usually replies in 1 day.
  • Can I contact more then one medical provider?
    Yes you can. In fact, it is advisable to compare treatment options, experience, costs and services of several medical providers.
  • Will my information be kept private, safe and secure?
    your information will be held in strictest confidence by both TWT Health Tourism and Yes, we are commited to the privacy, security and safety of your personal information.

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